14.3. 2025

Registration for WCA25 is open! Your membership will need to be valid before registering for the conference. You are encouraged to take advantage of early bird registration rates that end on June 26. This year we are also facilitating hybrid sessions by allowing online participation. If you are planning to attend the conference remotely, please get in touch with the conference planners by emailing to wcasubmission@gmail.com or cheng.zeng@ndsu.edu as soon as possible so we can better plan the sessions.

To register for the conference, you will need to create an account on the WCA website (wcaweb.org) if you don’t have one already. After clicking on Profile, you will be able to find Membership and Conferences on the left column, where you can make the payments.

Life members who are attending WCA25 need to email cheng.zeng@ndsu.edu, so that you will be manually added to the system.