Registration for WCA25 is now open!
Registration for WCA25 is open! Your membership will need to be valid before registering for the conference. You are encouraged
Read moreRegistration for the 2025 Biennial World Communication Association Conference is now open. Read more here.
Our aim is to maintain peace throughout the world, facilitate intercultural dialogue, ensure and support research, teaching and the practice of communication in all forms and circumstances.
WCA meets once every two years in some of the most delightful places in the world.
As you participate in the biennial conventions of WCA, you are able to get various benefits such as Myung-Seok Park Outstanding Scholarships, Pearson and Nelson Competitive Scholarship Award. Etc.
Our members are actively engaged in scholarly research. They are published in the international communication journals such as WCA’s Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
As we progress to a new “normal” in the wake of COVID-19, it is critical that we remember the importance of communication. As an organisation, the World Communication Association (WCA) emphasises understanding among people, contacts across cultural boundaries, and the improvement of communication worldwide. Our membership includes teachers, students, and practitioners who are committed to these values. Over the past few years, our members, and the world, have faced difficult living situations and changing working conditions. In many nations, classes moved from face to face to distance, and students and staff were displaced. However, I heard many stories of innovative responses to this crisis. Such stories of innovation, adaptation, and caring will continue to emerge. The global effort to protect the vulnerable, to study this virus, care for the sick, and recover from this situation will require all of us to work together across cultures and borders.
The Executive Committee are currently working to finalise plans for the 2023 conference. The conference will take place in Honolulu. The Submission deadline is December 16, 2022. We look forward to welcoming all returning and new members to the conference.
Stephen C